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Transportation Research Group


Projects related to the micromechanics of bitumens and asphalts

An exciting area of research in the department is a multi-disciplinary project
investigating the micromechanics and failure mechanisms of asphaltic pavement materials. Experts in materials science, fracture

mechanics, powder compaction, polymer composites, rolling contact, soil mechanics, and vehicle-road

interaction; as well as pavement engineers from Nottingham University are collaborating on the project. The

research is investigating asphalt deformation and fracture from a fundamental micro-mechanical perspective.

Initial work has concentrated on the behaviour of pure bitumens, measured over a very wide range of operating

conditions, as well as the performance of idealised asphalt mixes consisting of known aggregates mixed with

bitumen. The work has so far produced fascinating new insights into the deformation and fracture behaviour of asphaltic materials, and

the researchers are hopeful of eventually being able to develop new, less empirical methods of road mix


Further Information:


Three-point bend test on asphalt beam Finite element analysis of 3-point bend specimen
3-point-bend test on an asphalt beam specimen - and a finite element model of crack formation

Professor David  Cebon
Professor of Mechanical Engineering