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Transportation Research Group

  1. Cole.
    DJ. and Cebon, D.  ‘A capacitative strip
    sensor for measuring dynamic tyre forces’. 
    Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Road Traffic Monitoring. IEE, London, February
  2. Cebon,
    D.  ‘Design of multiple-sensor
    weigh-in-motion systems’  J. Automobile
    Engineering  Proc. I.Mech.E., Vol 204,
    Part D, 1990.
  3. Cebon,
    D and Winkler, CB.  ‘Multiple-sensor
    weigh-in-motion: Theory and experiments’ 
    Transportation Research Record 1311, TRB, 1992.
  4. Cole,
    DJ and Cebon, D  ‘Performance and
    application of a capacitative strip tyre force sensor’  Proc 6th Int. Conf. on Road Traffic
    Monitoring, London, April 1992
  5. Collop,
    AC, Potter, TEC, Cebon, D, Cole, DJ. 
    ‘Investigation of spatial repeatability using a tire force measuring
    mat’, TRB Transportation Research Record 1448, pp1-7, 1994.
  6. Potter
    TEC, Cebon D, Cole DJ, Collop AC.  ‘An
    investigation of road damage due to measured dynamic tyre forces’.  J. Auto. Eng, IMech E Vol 209, No D1,
    pp9–24, 1995.
  7. Potter
    TEC, Cebon D, Collop AC, Cole DJ. 
    ‘Road–damaging potential of measured dynamic tyre forces in mixed
    traffic’  J. Auto. Eng, IMech E,
    Vol 210, No D3, pp215-225, 1996
  8. Cole
    DJ, Collop AC, Potter TEC, Cebon D. 
    ‘Spatial repeatability of measured dynamic tyre forces’. J. Auto.
    Eng, IMech E, Vol 210, No D3, pp185-197, 1996.
  9. LK
    Stergioulas,  D Cebon and MD
    Macleod,  ‘Static Weight Estimation and
    System Design for Multiple-Sensor Weigh-in-Motion’  J. Mech. Eng. Sci., Vol 214, pp1019-1035, 2000, IMech E.

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