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Transportation Research Group


A day of demonstrations and presentations by CVDC members.

The CVDC Technology Showcase will be an opportunity to see the work of
the consortium at first hand. It will include presentations from
researchers describing a sample of current projects as well as presentations and displays by member companies. The highlight of the day will be demonstrations of some innovative vehicle technologies on the MIRA proving ground.

Tuesday, 19 October, 2010 - 09:00 to 16:00
Event location: 
MIRA Proving ground

Latest news

PhD approved

12 March 2016

Amy Rimmer's PhD dissertation 'Autonomous Reversing of Multiply-Articulated Heavy Vehicles, PhD Dissertation, in Engineering Department' has been approved by the University.

PhD approved

12 March 2016

Graeme Morrison's PhD dissertation 'Combined Emergency Braking and Cornering of Articulated Heavy Vehicles' has been approved by the university.